I like to think that I'm not that old, but when it comes to reading, I am certainly an old-school enthusiast of printed books. People have asked me many times if I have an ebook, and the answer has always been "no". For me, I can't beat the sensation of the pages, the weight of the book in my hands, the smell and the feeling of progress as I read from beginning to end. And oh! The wonderful, unique smell of stepping into a bookshop.
Don't misunderstand me, I think they are a fantastic product and since the release of the Kindle [other ebooks available] 14 years ago, the digital book age saw an influx of interest. With the book world at your fingertips and a purchase at the press of a button, I can understand the fascination; especially if you are a traveller, saving the weight of carrying many books in your suitcase.
Thankfully for me at least, the digital industry did not stave the sales of the printed page as they had once predicted, and, especially during recent COVID events, printed book sales have increased even higher. I know I have certainly bought more books in the last 2-3 years than I ever have and like many avid readers, this is part of the charm - building my own collection of my reading journey.
The cost variation between the two options can be an understandable consideration. After the initial outlay of the digital device, then ebooks may be, at times, a much less expensive option, starting from as little as £0.99 [or indeed free], and no physical bookshelves are required either! However, depending upon the book you are choosing, some have little or no difference in price from their printed counterparts. This makes me wonder, why not enjoy the interactive, more personal ownership of a tactile book; and celebrate the wonderful sensations and smells as you open the pages for the first time?