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A New Routine for a New Year


2025 marks a big change for me and if I can make the change, there is nothing stopping you from your dreams either.

I’ve dedicated two full days a week to my author work and creative life!

In my mid-forties, with a young family, this was a huge life decision to make and not one I took lightly.

Truth be told though, it has taken months of thoughts to build up the courage to get to this point. I knew that I had to do something— it was just the time in my life for a change. But I also knew, I had to discuss such a decision with my family and seniors at work. That's when the nerves kicked in... and the procrastination!

The little voice in my head would say, 'Tomorrow. I'll speak to them tomorrow.' Or, 'In a month's time. When...'

The reality is, your mind will always try and give you a reason not to do something. And sometimes, if you've shared your thoughts with family or friends, they'll try and talk you out of things too. 'Are you sure this is a good idea?' 'Will you manage?' 'Don't give up on such a good job.'

Someone once said, 'Never tell anyone your plans. Just show them your results.' (anon)

Image with thanks to Simon Wilkes on Unsplash
Image with thanks to Simon Wilkes on Unsplash

This certainly has worked for me several times in the past. Not least when I released my first book into the world, because if I had thought for even a second how I was going to do it in advance, I would never have got there. I would have talked myself out of it. But I didn't. I just followed each small step at a time and the staircase showed itself to me effortlessly. From small acorns, large Oaks grow, right?

During which time, I have made many mistakes, and learnt a lot along the way, whilst meeting an incredible writing and author community worldwide, both in person and online. Life is a journey though and most of the fun is in that part. Not the destination.

The author community I have grown to know and love over the past two years have provided huge moral support in my recent decision. A little over a year ago I met the incredible multi-award winning author Meg Kramer who, not long previously, had made the life changing decision to give up her teaching career, for her love of writing. I remember sitting in awe and admiration as Meg spoke, thinking 'I wish I could do that.' Meg and I have remained writing friends, despite the thousands of miles and ocean that separate us, and she is a continued inspiration and authority on self-growth and determination.

I continue my highly enjoyable day job, meeting incredible clients and working with them to create their dream home. Their enthusiasm is encouragement alone when they discover I am a published author. I would like to give an enormous shout out to all my work colleagues and friends on LinkedIn who have messaged, phoned, or spoken to me directly with their congratulations on my new venture.


Image with thanks to Spencer Davis on Unsplash
Image with thanks to Spencer Davis on Unsplash

At the beginning of January 2025, I am a short three weeks into my new routine, but it’s been a joy to dive into writing, planning, and creating. Last Friday, I spent an entire day writing, and the next book is already taking shape, which is exciting. Though, with anything new, I have to pace myself and remember that it doesn't all have to be done at once. Rome wasn't built in a day after all!

So, all I can say in encouragement to you if you have a dream or ambition, is to go for it. Don't hesitate. If the feeling comes across you and you feel inspired to give something a try, what's stopping you? Because the reality is, the only that really is stopping you, is yourself!


Do you have a creative resolution this year? I’d love to hear about it—comment on this post and let me know!


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