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'Magic Formula'


The run-up to Christmas is always exciting! Last-minute gifts to purchase, wrapping, packing...I would describe most evenings as a wonderful whirlwind, amongst family life, children, and writing.

However, last week I was blessed with an email from my local newspaper - The Courier & Advertiser - asking if they could send a photographer to me and write an article about my new up-and-coming book release, Meeting Pip, as well as my existing self-published ones.

My new book, aimed at children from 3-6 years, is about two children, Faith and Harris, who discover the wonders of their imagination in their own garden to find that the tooth fairy is real if you believe.

I had a wonderful chat on the phone with the reporter, who was enthusiastic and encouraging about my themes of positive thinking mixed with a little bit of magic. It wasn't until later in the conversation, when we started to digress a little, we discovered that we have read some of the same books about the Law of Attraction. This in itself, was the law in action, bringing two like-minded writers together.

I am so grateful for this connection. The article is lovely and, in an uncertain world for many people right now, confirmation that my messages of positive thinking, self-belief, and happiness are a welcome relief.

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