This is the extremely talented Johanna Bruyer, my wonderful illustrator for Franco and The Green Light Fairy and Felix's Favourite Day.
Based in France, Johanna and I met through the website Upwork and I instantly knew that she was who I wanted to work with on these projects. Her skill and imagination transformed my words into glorious fun and colourful picture books for age 3-5 year olds.
Here is a little more about this skillful lady:
Tell me a little about yourself and what you do? I am 26 years old, and I am an illustrator specialized in children's books and illustrations. I am fascinated by giving life to creative ideas and I found a way that gives me the opportunity to do that on a daily basis: by creating powerful illustrations with storytelling behind and characters that fill the story with life.
That is what I am focusing on right now and at the same time, I like to stay open to what the future will bring.
Why did you become an illustrator? I always loved to draw since my childhood. However, I didn't choose this way directly and I spent a few years working in tourism and communication. For a simple reason: I didn't know it would be possible to combine my work and my passion. After all, I wondered "why not me?" I can become everything I want, by giving and dedicating the right amount of work. It is mostly like that I am where I am today, and this is the perfect job for me.
Where does your inspiration for children’s illustrations come from?
I am really inspired by real life in general. I love to pay attention to little details and to look at how people interact and react in different situations. In my opinion, illustrations need to tell a story, to give a certain feeling in looking at it which will allow people to create their own stories. My inspiration comes also from cartoons such as Pixar's movies, I love their colorful characters because their look always shows their personality.
Why did you choose to illustrate children’s books rather than adult, teenage or comic strips?
I really believe that books, and stories in general, play a big role in the development of children's life. It confronts them with some issues they could face, but also, they convey great thoughts to develop. Drawing for children's books means creating cute, colorful, and inspiring illustrations to let them dream by themselves.
What is your process to translate an author’s manuscript into illustrations?
In reading the story for the first time, I try to understand for myself which message the author wants to convey and what would be the atmosphere of the story. At the same time, I imagine the characters of the book in front of me. Based on that I start with the creation of a mood board, which serves to take in inspiration for the final illustrations and the ambiance of the book.
After that, I create a storyboard - which is pretty much an outline of the full story in front of me with little sketches of the illustrations. That is the most important step in the whole process because it sets the biggest puzzle piece in the creation of the full book. With the storyboard in my hands, I jump into the creation of the illustrations, page by page.
What was your biggest struggle starting out?
At first, it was a bit difficult to start a new status as an illustrator and to work for myself. In this job, I noticed how much I need to be organized without having someone asking and leading me toward some goals. At the same time, this is what I like, to be an illustrator allows me more freedom in my creativity and also in the organization of my personal life. After all, it gives me an incredible feeling to start following my dreams and to follow what I really want to do.
Do you have any other professions?
I decided to become a full-time illustrator this year, to be more focused on what I like to draw. Besides, I would like to write and illustrate my first story soon.
You can follow Johanna on instagram @johannabruyer or visit her website for more information www.johannabruyer.com